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My Dog – My Soulmate
When we talk about soul mates, we generally refer to the human kind and often describe our partners as our soul mate. Others may disagree and say soulmates can take many forms, not just partners. A soulmate could be a close friend, a sister or even an animal. For...
Why No One Will Ever Be More Loyal Than Your Dog
It has been said that loyalty in dogs has evolved over thousands of years where people have worked with dogs, just to serve them a purpose. From hunting to companionship, it is undeniable that over...
The Unbreakable Bond Between A Dog And A Child
Children that have been fortunate to grow up with their dog, have an unbreakable bond that stays with them through adulthood. Nothing is more touching as a parent and a pet owner watching your child...
Foster A Puppy And Save A Life
In a world where there is so much take, take, take, the ability to give back in some form is good food for the soul. Thousands of volunteers around the Gold Coast work tirelessly each week helping...
I’m just a walkin the Dawg!
This is my first blog post and hopefully the first of many. These are just my thoughts and experiences and by sharing them with you I hope that you might see something that you can relate to. You...