It’s an incredibly sad moment in life when your beloved dog dies. Your best friend is suddenly no longer there to greet you. Everything you do and everywhere you go only serves as a painful reminder that they are no longer with you.

We all understand the grief of losing a loved one, another human being; whether that be through death or a relationship breakdown. But only those who love dogs and have been close to their pet will understand the enormous pain and level of grief that consumes you when your dog passes away.

For maybe 10 years or more this dog has been an integral part of your life. Your dog has been there by your side, loyal and devoted, its love unwavering, through good times and the toughest and most challenging moments life has thrown at you. Your best friend is no more and only their memory lingers on.

How Do You Deal with This Intense Grief?

It’s incredibly painful, there’s no getting around that. The only true healer of the pain is time. It will take some time, but things will improve. You will start to gradually feel better.

Some people immediately go out and get another dog, which can certainly help to relieve much of the pain. The new dog isn’t necessarily a replacement for the one that’s died, but more of a new lease of life.

Other people can’t bear to get another dog, fearing going through this painful experience all over again one day down the track. Everyone is different and everybody deals with grief in a variety of ways.

Legacy Images

Before your dog does pass away, considering getting some professional photos done by a pet photographer. You want to have some quality images to remember your best friend when they do eventually go. What is the memory of your dog’s wonderful life worth to you? Pet photography isn’t that expensive and it’s well worth the time and money to indulge in a session or two.

If your canine loved one has already passed on, then now would be a good time to get a collection of photographs together to make a collage of your dog’s life; images depicting the different phases, from puppy right through to the senior years.

If you’ve previously had professional pet photography done in the past, get together with your photographer and discuss creating some legacy images from the collection so you can proudly hang them on your wall as a memorial to your best friend, reminding you of those happy and joyful days together.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Book a session of professional pet photography today with your canine best friend. On the Gold Coast contact expert pet photographer, Diana, of K9 Photography. She will take some stunning images to help preserve those precious and priceless memories of your beloved dog